I'm on a mission to help all Black women live their best lives by rediscovering your joy, your voice, and your power to create what we want!


For Black women who want to live full, free, successful lives beyond the grind!

Where Grace Meets Accountability

I'm on a mission to help all Black women live their best lives by rediscovering your joy, your voice, and your power to create what we want!


You've worked your ass off to this point, only to look around and think "is this it?"

First of all, no. It's not. I created this company because I know how difficult it is to break through the patterns and beliefs that keep us as Black women grinding towards a future that doesn't actually exist. I have developed programs designed specifically to address the unique ways Black women have been conditioned to self-sacrifice and provide new solutions and strategies to actually get us what we want: true freedom and sustaining peace while continuing to build our success.

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Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve reached the height of your career, but it doesn’t feel like you’ve arrived. Nothing ever seems to be enough.


  • You feel like you’ve arrived, but don’t know how long you can keep it up and you’re exhausted.

  • You feel like your professional life is on track, but your personal life is shit.

  • You’re about to fumble this bag, and if you don’t get your shit together, you don’t know what you’ll do.

  • The pressure of maintaining it all is overwhelming but you feel like slowing down=failure.

  • You look out at the world and feel like everyone is moving forward but you.


Here’s some for truth for you:

You will not get what you want by simply working harder! You first have to learn to trust yourself and believe in what's possible. You then have to be courageous enough to follow-through on what it takes to get there.

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Here’s some for truth for you:

You will not get what you want by simply working harder! You first have to learn to trust yourself and believe in what's possible. You then have to be courageous enough to follow-through on what it takes to get there.

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The real dream looks a bit more like this...

  • You get things done efficiently and effectively without avoidance, procrastination, and constantly overthinking. You’re no longer shaming yourself for what you didn’t do.

  • You’re able to choose how to spend your time and energy without guilt. No more daily exhaustion.

  • You are killing it in your career! Your work excites you and you feel confident and competent showing up and doing your thing.

  • You are able to be fully authentic in all areas of your life because you move in alignment with your values and desires.

  • You show up in the world with a fierceness that only Black women can embody because you know exactly who the f*ck you are and what you came here to do! It’s visible in the way you dress, the way you speak, the places you go. Nobody can tell you shit!

  • You have relationships that feel authentic, safe, comfortable, and fulfilling because you get to be fully you.


You don't have to imagine it sis. This could be you!

Let’s create it together.

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This program is for you if...

  • You want to be fulfilled and motivated by your life and your work without the overwhelm and never-ending grind.

  • You’re ready to get out of your own way and take meaningful action on your goals because let’s be honest, sometimes it’s us.

  • You want to fully embody your personal image of success as you are (Black, queer, fat, dark-skinned, awkward, quirky, masculine of center, colorful, etc) without feeling like you have to fit into society’s made up standards.

  • You want to be balanced, full of joy, and fully confident in your own brilliance.

  • You’re tired of everyone telling you who are and what you are. You’re ready to fully step into your POWER!


This is what you've been looking for...

Six-month 1:1 coaching experience for Black women.

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Who Am I?

I’m Dr. Shaquinta Richardson, a Life Coach for Black women who want to walk fully in their power.

Leader of Liberated Black Women

This title was given to me by another highly respected Black woman. And I'm claiming it! My mission in life is for all Black women to have the biggest luxury there is, the freedom to choose how they spend their time on this earth.

I'm a trained therapist with more than 10 years experience. But after years of watching Black women hustle to build good lives only to end up miserable, I said, "no more" and transitioned to full-time life coaching. Since then, I've helped dozens of women put in the work to create the life they want.

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Who Am I?

I’m Dr. Shaquinta Richardson, a Life Coach for Black women who want to walk fully in their power.

Leader of Liberated Black Women

This title was given to me by another highly respected Black woman. And I'm claiming it! My mission in life is for all Black women to have the biggest luxury there is, the freedom to choose how they spend their time on this earth.

I'm a trained therapist with more than 10 years experience. But after years of watching Black women hustle to build good lives only to end up miserable, I said, "no more" and transitioned to full-time life coaching. Since then, I've helped dozens of women put in the work to create the life they want.

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Through boundary setting, fear-fighting, and radical self-care practices, I work hand in hand with these women to help them redefine what happiness, success and freedom look like for them...and I won’t stop until we all get there.

And it's not just my passion that qualifies me to do this work.

I have a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Science with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy and Disability Studies. I am also a former professor, clinical director, and supervisor. In short: I know my shit and I've got the receipts to prove it. I want to use my gifts and training to help you live your best, fully empowered life!

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Your Investment



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What Renita Says About My Work


What would you say about working with me?


“Working with Shaquinta has improved my self esteem and been instrumental in improving the way I show up in the world for me! Something I realized about half way through the program was that while no external factors changed (same job, same partner, same friends, same relationships), I was changing. My perspective shifted and using the tools and resources Shaquinta shared with me, helped me to be able to trust my own decisions and take action on things I’ve been sitting on for years.”


What has been most impactful about this program?


“Shaquinta has aided me in being able to identify my gifts and the value they bring to the world while helping me to remove all of the artificial obstacles I had created which prevented me from moving forward in the past. The exercises we completed on time management, identifying values and the inner work she led me to complete helped me to establish new routines that I am forever grateful for.”


What would you tell someone who is interested in this program?


“Don’t overthink it. Commit to this program for you. Working with Shaquinta is an invaluable experience. By session 4, folks in my life pointed out the “change in me” they were seeing. My mindset shifted and so did the way I looked at and valued myself. When I first signed up I wasn’t entirely sure what I needed and I struggled to identify what I hoped to accomplish because on the surface I was achieving a lot, but Shaquinta>Shaquinta helped me to get to the root of my struggles in a way that felt freeing and not at all overwhelming. We sifted through the pretty package I was presenting and worked through how I could be the best me for ME without feeling like I needed to ask permission to do so. If you’re reading this right now and considering this service, let me tell you - YOU NEED THIS SERVICE. Do it for you.”



What Clients Say...


“Dr. Shaquinta has enriched my life to the point where I don't miss a call. If you're questioning whether Dr. Shaquinta got you...that woman is the truth. She is the message, she is a force, and the best thing about the program is that it makes you feel like you have the same power because you do! She speaks life into her [clients]. Whatever it is, Dr. Shaquinta's got you but are you ready for those changes because this program is going to take you on a rollercoaster. You're going to look at yourself, situations, life, your job in a different way and that can be scary... Let Dr. Shaquinta help you figure out how to unburden yourself without feeling like you're doing something wrong. There's a new way of living and she has the key.”


“Throughout the program, I’ve laughed, cried and been forced to confront myself on deeper levels than I’ve been able to achieve on my own. Working with Dr. Shaquinta is not for the faint of heart. If you stay with it though-the results are transformative. In the course of my time with Dr. Shaquinta, I’ve gained clarity on my professional goals (worth mentioning before beginning coaching I’d already completed an Ivy League MBA program), learned to put myself first in professional settings and in life without apology and overall re-gained my zest for life. She is incredibly gracious and empathetic while also holding you accountable to be your highest self. I can’t wait to launch my business and I recommend her services without reservation.”


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Questions? We gotchu!

  • We would work together weekly for 3 to 6 months depending on which option you choose. We meet weekly, not including breaks and vacations, because rest is necessary.

  • Money: You can make a one-time payment based on which option you choose above (3 or 6 months) or make monthly payments starting at $1500 per month.
    Time: You should expect to spend 2 to 3 hours per week investing in your personal growth including our meeting times and completing program related action items.

  • We start with an initial 90-minute onboarding session where we identify your goals and develop a plan for the next three to six months. Each week, your session will be designed to assess, direct, and support your progress toward the goals.
    If you choose to add a VIP Weekend, midway through your program, we’ll have your VIP weekend where I fly to your location (I secure my own lodging), observe a day in your life, and provide real-time feedback and in-person coaching. We have a luxury outing to wrap up the weekend and re-assess the direction for the second half of your program

  • I’m like the big sis that will love on you but also get you together when needed. I model balance, grace, and accountability for my clients and hold them to that standard. I believe Black women need soft places to land while also being challenge beyond our comfort zone. My clients describe me as gentle but firm. I don’t let you play yourself. I have a strong, loving yet effective side-eye.

  • After we have your clarity call, you complete your invoice and agreement, you will receive your welcome packet with all the information needed for your program including welcome box with program resources and client portal.




This is your final call!

So what do you say? Ready to get your whole life?

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