It’s time to step into your power and reclaim your voice!

The blueprint lied! The formula doesn't work. You have to do something different than what you've been taught.

Doing something different feels scary because it is unknown and you hate not knowing if you're doing the right thing.

I'm here to show you how to create your own blueprint informed by your own voice. You get to have the big career goals and the beautiful life to match. I will show you how to optimize your time, get unstuck, and move boldly into the desires of your heart.


My name is

Dr. Shaquinta Richardson

I'm a life coach for women who want to take back control of their lives by living authentically and unapologetically as the dope ass Black woman you are. I'm here to show you new possibilities and help you build a bridge between the life you have and the life you desire.

Time to break yourself free!


I believe

I believe Black women can everything we want but we first have to figure what that truly is. The world forces us to think and make decisions within dichotomies. The world is much more complex and open to us than we believe. When we believe there's more for us, we seek it, we find it, or we create it.

my commitment

My commitment it is to the liberation of Black women in all areas of life. I will honor the fullness of your humanity and who you are. I commit to being a non-judgmental source of support as well as a challenging presence while respecting and uplifting your personal agency.

I stand

I stand boldly and firmly against racism, anti-blackness, homophobia, sexism, ableism and any other systems of oppression that seek to establish and maintain inequity and violence against marginalized communities, namingly ALL Black women.



What Clients Say

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Meet your Coach!


I am a Life Coach who works with professional Black women and women of color to balance the priorities in their lives in order to make more space for their goals and dreams.

My work as a coach centers the intergenerational influences of our labor and care practices and aims to reimagine our expressions of success, peace, and joy.

I firmly believe that we have all the time we need to do the things that matter. How we think about our time guides how we use it. Through one-on-one coaching, I show you how to prioritize yourself as a regular practice on the way to reaching your career goals and provide strategies for how to maximize your time between work and personal life.

Through that foundation of radical self-care, I help Black women create full, dynamic lives that are rooted in alignment, harmony, and unshakeable belief in self.

I received my Doctorate of Philosophy in Human Development and Family Science with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy and Disability Studies from the University of Georgia in 2018. I have since worked as a professor, supervisor, and as a now retired private practice therapist. My mission now is to help Black women have the lives we deserve and desire!



What Audrey Says About Working With Me


Dr. Shaquinta is one of my most revered freedom fighters. She has helped me to break free from the confines of people pleasing, perfectionism, and self-doubt. Moreover, she has given me the tools, guidance, insight, and continued support to keep getting stronger in that fight. Her coaching was tailored to my needs. Her retreats were immediately life changing. The Beyond Achieving community is filling, affirming, and fun.

I am so grateful for the greater clarity and actual peace that I have gained. I have a more authentic and actual relationship with my Creator. I can love all of me as I am right now, while I journey towards all that I aspire to be. I dream again, but now more vividly and boldly. I genuinely believe that those dreams will come true. In less than a year, my life has changed positively in ways I could not have previously imagined – professionally, socially, financially, and familial! I show up differently in my life.

I am so grateful that my healing and growth are being reflected back to me in my children! Some truly exciting, amazing, beautiful, wonderful things are happening. My mind is blown!!

I am glad I invested in myself. Working with Dr. Shaquinta has been an absolute blessing.

Audrey T., Lead Engineer


1:1 Private Coaching

Through one-on-one coaching, I help women like you

✸ Reduce stress and overwhelm so they can find and sustain peace⁠

✸ Overcome perfectionism so they can actually get to their business without using so much mental energy⁠

✸ Become clear and solid in their identity so they can be their most authentic self and take off the mask⁠

✸ Let go of all the bullshit that says we can't do and be who we want to be and actually MAKE IT HAPPEN!⁠

⁠The time is NOW to claim all your things!⁠

My one-on-one coaching programs are designed to reset the client’s current practices, recharge their mind and body, and restore a sense of peace through self-care and personal wellness.  My programs are for women who need support to build confidence, self-esteem and authenticity, boundary-setting, and communication.  Women who struggle to find the time to care for and prioritize themselves and their goals, consistently sacrifice their own needs in service of others, and struggle to communicate and maintain their boundaries with work and family. 

Through my programs, you will:

  • Decrease anxiety relating to work, including ways to manage stress and build self-trust

  • Improve self-esteem and confidence

  • Develop rituals, routines, and practices to feed the soul and maximize time

  • Develop a better understanding of how to balance work and personal life, set appropriate boundaries, improve communication with friends, family, and partners, and establish overall improvement in mental wellness.

  • Go after your goals and reach them!

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What Irene Says About Working With Me


What would you say about working with me?

Such a delight. You were intentional with every conversation. I felt like you were present and creating a brave space for me to explore who I am and what I am looking to accomplish. You were honest and never sugar coated the conversation. You called me out when needed and also extended grace in moments when I wasn't doing it for myself.

What has been most impactful about this program?

The last 12 weeks have been refreshing, eye opening and an experience that has transformed my thought process and how I view myself and how I show up in the world. I have been able to utilize the tools and resource during difficult times when I usually need them the most. I have become more vulnerable with myself and those around me. I am showing up as a parent in new ways. My definition of who I am as a black woman is by my standard and no longer in comparison to others or what I use to think was the society standard.

What would you tell someone who is interested in this program?

It is going to take work, and a new level of self commitment. What you put into this work Shaquinta is going to match that and then go above and beyond to challenge you to new heights. This program is truly transformational. Shaquinta is going to meet you where you are and lead and guide you in ways you didn't think are possible. This program will get you to tap in to areas of your life that didn't know you needed to show up and be your authentic self both personally and professionally.




What Lauren Says About Working With Me


What would you say about working with me?

Working with you was truly a treat and everything that I had hoped it would be! I was looking for a coach who would be warm, kind, and relatable so that I would feel comfortable being honest with them but also honest, straightforward, and have the ability to give me those insights that I needed and that is what I found in working with you. Working with you accelerated me towards my goals, helped me develop practices to thoroughly enjoy my present while building a more beautiful future, and taught me to really own my time and treat it as my resource to use for my benefit instead of letting other people's agendas run me.

What has been most impactful about this program?

The workbook and vision mapping helped me to rediscover my clarity and sense of direction. The 1:1 coaching sessions gave me not only accountability but a space to problem-solve with someone what expertise and wisdom in the ways that I wanted to grow and could give me recommendations and also support and a confidence boost when I needed one. The process of creating a morning routine has been a game-changer and helped me to start off my day with more intention that carries into all my actions.

What would you tell someone who is interested in this program?

The mindset shifts start with that decision to invest in yourself. By reaching out for that consultation you are already taking an important step on your journey and from there Dr. Shaquinta makes every single additional step beyond worth it. It is so hard to even quantify the value of working with someone who can help accelerate your growth mentally, emotionally, in your career, in your relationships, in the way that you show up at work and at home. Dr. Shaquinta is truly an expert but you don't feel like you are working with someone who had all the answers, she helps you to find your answers and if you are willing to put in the work you will see amazing levels of growth.


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